Your mobile number
Your details
Your ID
Verify Voucher
Activate SIM
We need to confirm your identity.
Please use "Find address" and select from the auto-suggested addresses to fill data correctly. Otherwise, use "Cannot find address" and fill address manually
Drivers licence or Passport information or Medicare Number is required
To continue with your activation you will need to verify your ID and agree to the terms and conditions.
To use an eSIM:
Welcome Email:
The Account Reference Number will need to match the one registered at your previous provider
A pre-port verification SMS will be sent to your phone. Please keep your current SIM in your phone so that you may receive the code and once your activation is completed you may insert your TeleChoice SIM card.
Activation of your service may take up to 2 hours. Please pop your TeleChoice SIM into your phone and if your activation has been successful you will receive a SMS confirming your activation is completed.
If your service has not transferred after 2 hours, please call our SIM activation team on 1300 835 324 Option 1 so that they may further assist you. Thank you for choosing TeleChoice